Radiomaster Zorro Radio Controller




RadioMaster Zorro Raio - The Compact Class-Leader. Featuring an ergonomic design, large bright LCD screen in the perfect viewing position, travel adjustable HALL sensor gimbals, a nano size external RF module bay, built-in USB-C Charging, USB-C Data port for updating and playing simulators, rear and top assignable push buttons, scroll wheels, RadioMasters 7 button menu navigation system, headphone audio output, external power source input and a host of RF options the RadioMaster Zorro is set to change the game once again. Features: Supports OpenTX & EdgeTX Support 4 RF Configurations Switchable in Mode 1 and Mode 2 without disassembly Adjustable Hall Gimbals External Module Bay 18350 Battery Compartments USB-C Battery Charging Supports External 2S Battery Power Supply Oversized LCD & Foldable Antenna DIY Attachment Points Ergonomically Designed
